Agusto’s 10th Anniversary
Celebrating Agusto’s 10th Anniversary working in the ministry with us! What a blessing he is! 🎉🎉✝️✝️
Celebrating Agusto’s 10th Anniversary working in the ministry with us! What a blessing he is! 🎉🎉✝️✝️
<meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=/lisa.camarena?_fb_noscript=1″ />We were delighted to host Chris & Melissa Kane from Southern California in August. Chris shared the message in the Men’s Bible Study before Art publicly recognized Agusto for his seventh year anniversary working in this ministry. Art praised Agusto for demonstrating the character quality of “loyalty”. The ladies, on the…
December found the Lady’s and Children’s Bible Studies once again celebrating another special event, the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. They savored the traditional Christmas tamales and hot fruit punch, sang Christmas carols together, listened to a message brought by one of the ladies, exchanged gifts and received a basket of goodies from the…
We have had the joy over the recent years to attend weddings of young adults that either grew up in our Children’s Bible Study or were members of the Boy’s Club we had years ago. It has been a privilege to be a part of their lives, to know them as kids and participate in their milestone moments….
Click here for our June 2020 Update
The Lady’s and Children’s Bible Studies celebrated with scrumptious food, song and meaningful words, honoring Art for being such a father to them all! The ladies had been planning this day for weeks. Three young sisters sang a beautiful song for him. Each of the ladies expressed their love so eloquently. Of course, our true…
Thanks to generous donors, this ministry has had the opportunity to reach out to people with needs in our Bible Study community. Art has been overseeing various projects including the digging of septic wells, installation of outdoor bathrooms and concreting dirt floors in a home of corrugated tin. One of the benefactors was a family…